5+ Best Shopify Customer Support Apps & Software in 2022
The best Shopify customer support apps allow you to reduce operating costs and increase the revenue potential of your online store, while giving you an all-encompassing view of your customer base. You may believe that it’s enough to have a live chat or contact form installed on your site, but as soon as things go south, you realize that something went wrong and you should’ve installed a customer support app that has it all. Providing a unique customer experience in today’s world is essential for ecommerce brands.
5+ Best Shopify Customer Support Apps & Software
What are the 5+ Best Shopify Customer Support Apps & Software?
Let’s dive into our list of the best Shopify customer support apps online store owners and merchants can install. These apps will be able to help you learn more about your customers, market better, provide a better customer experience, and of course, sell more products.
Zendesk is a customer support software that allows you to connect with your customers in a personal, seamless way. It’s easy to use, and it can be customized to meet your needs.Zendesk helps you manage customer inquiries by providing the tools your team needs to answer questions, schedule appointments, and track activity—all in one place.
Gorgias helpdesk is a software designed for helpdesks, providing them with tools that make their jobs easier. The software is designed to be easy to use and intuitive, so even first-time users will be able to learn its functions quickly.
Re:amaze is a customer support software that helps you easily manage your customer conversations. It’s perfect for businesses that want to improve their customer retention and satisfaction, but don’t have the time or resources to do it themselves. It also helps you keep track of your customers’ needs and preferences, so you can quickly respond to them and provide what they need.
Help Scout is a customer support software that helps companies deliver amazing customer experiences. It’s designed to be easy to use, and it’s specifically designed for businesses who need a custom solution for their customer support needs. Whether you’re an enterprise or small business, Help Scout can help you deliver the best possible experience to your customers.
You can set up your inbox so that important messages come to the top, create mailboxes for different teams, and assign conversations to different people.
Give your customers one-on-one attention by providing live chat on your website or via the app.
You can create a knowledgebase site and publish your first article in minutes. This way, you'll be able to start answering frequently asked questions directly from your customers to minimize support inquiries.
Cons 👎
They need more productivity tools to help streamline the communication of support resolutions.
Tickets lose tags when an issue is resolved.
Doesn’t have the ability to translate knowledge base content with a few clicks of a button.
Freshdesk support is a software that helps you solve your customers’ issues and queries directly from your email inbox. It has features to manage contacts, tickets, and cases. It also provides an analytics dashboard and lets you create custom workflows.
As you engage in customer support interactions, you can use your help desk software to access order history, billing information, previous conversations, and other relevant customer details.
If you want to provide your customers with a seamless shopping experience, integrate your customer data from different support channels into a single place.
Trigger automated emails in the event of cart abandonment directly from your help desk. You can also initiate emails to gather customer feedback once their order is fulfilled.
Cons 👎
There’s currently no Shopify app listed on the Shopify app store.
No SMS and Instagram integration
There is limited automation and rules you can apply.
Adding customer service to your Shopify store can be done with a few simple steps. We'll cover how to do this in this article. First, log into your Shopify admin and click "Apps." This will take you to the Apps page where you can find a list of all apps that are currently installed on your store. If you don't see an "Apps" link on your site's main navigation bar, click on "Customize" in the top right corner of your screen, then look for an "Apps" option under "Customize Theme." Next, scroll down until you see a section called "Manage Apps," and click the "Available" tab at the top of the page. This will show all available apps that can be added to your store.
As a store owner, you know that customer service is the backbone of your business. Your customers trust you to provide them with products and services that are useful or entertaining—and if you don't deliver on that promise, they'll simply go somewhere else. For most consumers, customer support makes or breaks a shopping experience.
In the past few years, there's been an explosion in consumer expectations for customer service. In fact: Customers are more demanding than ever before. They expect quick responses from online stores (even if they're working on weekends), personalization in emails and live chat sessions, and help resolving issues quickly when they arise. If you can't respond to these demands quickly enough (or at all), forget it—your reputation will be damaged forever. Customers are more informed than ever before. Thanks to the Internet's vast supply of resources like Wikipedia articles or YouTube videos that explain how things work step-by-step (and usually offer advice on how best to do them), most people don't need someone else explaining things out loud anymore...so there's no point in beating around the bush! Your job is simply about answering questions directly without wasting time trying to "guide" them toward answers themselves.
We know it can be hard to decide if live chat is right for your Shopify store, so we've put together a list of the top 5 reasons why you should add live chat to your website today.1. Live chat increases conversions: We've found that customers who use live chat convert at a rate of 2x more than those who don't.2. You can get all the benefits of a call center without having to hire one: You'll be able to provide all the same help, but at a fraction of the cost.3. It's easy to install and run: There are platforms designed so that anyone can set up and manage their own live chat system with ease—no coding required!4. There are options for everyone: Whether you're running an e-commerce store or an online business, there are customer support apps that fit every need and budget.5. Your customers will thank you for it: They'll get answers faster and more easily than ever before—which means they'll keep coming back again and again!
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